Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DVD Release

Available on DVD and Download Soon
Stay posted for other outlets

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Music Behind White Boy Brown

I would like to give many thanks to the fine muscians who have graced us with their talents and who have contributed their music to the White Boy Brown movie. Also I will update you on what's next for these performers. I would like to begin with a long time friend John Wineglass.
Since scoring the film John has started on another indie film which is 'untitled' and has two commissioned projects - one is an orchestra suite and the other is a viola concerto. John is also finishing up an album with his associate a violinist from Julliard, and they have concerts up until the fall. Currently John is still scoring for daytime television and works as a professor at California State University. John hopes to recieve a nomination at the 2010 Emmy Awards this year which will be his eighth nomination, but whos counting. He has already won 3 so far...

Another long time friend Maya Caballero whos folk style voice can be heard on the White Boy Brown trailer, has blossomed into an artist who is able to hold her own. She's a writer, a poet and a singer, whos words penetrates the souls of her listeners. Maya performs all original songs which makes her a triple threat to the music industry.

Maya is currently in Tucson Arizona recording her debut album with Calexico her band. I had the pleasure of directing Maya a few weeks ago in a music video for two songs that are featured in the film, "Beni" and "All Roads Lead to Here". The videos will be posted very shortly and will be apart of the special features on the DVD of White Boy Brown.

Lastly but definetly not least. Farayi Moore was there from the begining of Stop and Watch Films. Farayi contributed her original song Surrender to our very first short film RUNAWAY SLAVE in 2007 and has been a faithful friend and a constant inspiration.

Farayi recently had a run on the 2010 American Idol series, where she even wowed Simon, the toughest among the the judges. Farayi is planning to record her album in the near future which will consist of original songs. Her song "As You Are" can be heard in the film.

Sean Writer/Director of White Boy Brown

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


 While sitting in a local park in the fall of 2008 I noticed a  beautiful little girl, no older than three or four playing with a woman who appeared to be her mother. The trust the little girl had for the woman was visibly evident as she swung on the monkey bars. I was drawn to their relationship in particular because of the apparent ethnic differences between the two. The woman was Caucasian and the girl African American or at least in part. I assumed the woman was married to, or at least dated a black man and produced this little beauty. But then a whole new can of worms opened up. 
 A Caucasian man entered the park and went up to the woman and child that I was watching and gave them both hugs and kisses. This is where things started getting confusing. I thought to my self she is surely a mixed child how are both her parents white. I was sitting there minding someone else business trying to make sense of it all. I thought of every possible reason why this child had two parents different from herself. The last thought I had was that maybe she was adopted. If so this little girl didn’t care and probably didn’t know what it meant, she just loved on both the man and woman as if this was normal. And it was.
I began thinking of how their relationship would be compared to other “normal” ones I was used to. The struggles the joys, etc, I thought this would make a great story. But I’ve seen this before but what I haven’t seen much of was the opposite a white child in a black family. Here was my story. Right away I knew the kind of plight I wanted my character to have what struggles and accomplishments he would experience, mine. This is the only way the character of Johnny would come alive. I then fashioned this character around man I knew who purposely took up the plight of another ethnic background, John Brown the Abolitionist, hence the characters name JOHNNY BROWN.      
Sean Writer/Director

About Me

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I was born African American and will more than likely die the same way, if things go according to plan.